We exist to be a community where people meet Jesus and become more like him.
This means that believe the best about each other and we acknowledge and make space for the brokenness around us — both the brokenness of others and our own.
We are attentive to mystery as we recognize that God is moving and working in the midst of that brokenness.
As we do faith and life together, we support each other in loving God better, in loving each other better, and in loving all of God’s creation better.
Our Priorities & Practices
To align life at Forestview with our values and mission, we intentionally and prayerfully include the following in our life together.
Amplify The Prophetic Voice
This means we will confront the illusions of culture, listen for the Spirit at work in our community and confess how the culture has shaped us.
We long to speak both truth, hope and light where we find lies, hopelessness and darkness.
Include the Disenfranchised
This means we will care for our neighbourhood, our networks, and the poor. We will endeavour to live life with the marginalized. and we will love beyond borders, stepping out from – and into – a life beyond “myself”.
Engage Everyone and their Gifts
This means we will remind ourselves that we are all in this together and encourage one another to develop and use their gifts and passions. We will Invite all to serve in mission as part of the Body of Christ.
Practise Faith Together
This means we will share our lives with one another through prayer, meals, worship, serving, and confession. We will break bread together as we rejoice, and suffer through life’s joys and pains.

What We Believe
As a church seeking to be without walls, we want to be defined by our centre or focus, and not a set of boundaries or beliefs.
Our centre is Jesus Christ.
There is no “them” and “us”.
There is just one big “us”.
Fellow sinners, who were created in the image of God, simply wanting to know Jesus and see the reign of God break into our lives.