Ways To Give
At Forestview, we give because we understand that all that we have is ultimately God’s and in response to His generosity to us we want to joyfully give back to Him. We give to oppose the powers of consumerism and consumption in our world we give to support Forestview’s operating needs so our ministry can continue and thrive. We give to support those in our own community and around the world in practical ways so that God’s love would be evident to them.
Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD)
Using pre-authorized debit, an amount you specify will automatically be withdrawn from your bank account each month. You can adjust this amount anytime.
To enroll in our PAD program, download and complete the enrollment form, attach a void cheque, put it in an envelope marked PAD and place it into our weekly offering.

Online Giving
Give from your computer or smartphone through Planning Center Giving via The Church Center App.
To give via Planning Center visit Church Center or open the Church Center app on your mobile device and follow the on-screen instructions.
Cash or Cheque
Physical Offerings can be place in the mailbox marked “Offering” at the rear of the sanctuary.
Request a set of envelopes by emailing [email protected] and use them for your cash or cheque donations. If your envelope supply is running low, you can always request more.

You can send an e-transfer to [email protected].
Please click here for further details.
How can we help?
Use the form below to get in touch with our Treasurer. The form’s dropdown menu will help you identity the assistance you may need.